hi guys, today i would like to tell the 3 security level of International Ship Port Facilities Security. so there are 3 level of security which level 1,2,3. the securities is tighten countdown with the number. number 3 is the highest security level and number 1 is the lowest. google image - ISPS code so what is security number 1? google image - isps level 1 so according to marineinsight , level 1 is a normal security level, so what happen in the normal security level, the ship must execute: In normal level, both ships and port operations are carried out in general way. Minimum security measures are always maintained on board and in port. Ship and port operation are carried out as per ship and port facility security plan. Port facility ensures to keep the ‘no access’ areas under surveillance at all times. Ship and port authority mutually supervise loading and unloading operation of cargo and stores, ensuring access control and other minimum security cr...
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