People That Changed The World

Here is a list of people, that solely due to their sheer willpower, hard work and leadership qualities that help mankind develop over time... Tim Berners-Lee The World Wide Web Tim Berners-Lee kick-started the World Wide Web in 1989, designing and building the first Web browser, editor and server. The widely adopted technologies transformed the way information is created and consumed. Francis Crick, James Watson and Rosalind Franklin Structure of DNA English-born Francis Crick and his American colleague James Watson made one of the most dazzling discoveries in the history of science in 1953 when they accurately decoded the structure of the DNA molecule. They would not, however, have been able to identify the twisted ladder shape of the DNA double helix without the help of English scientist Rosalind Franklin’s X-ray images, which Watson saw without her knowledge. Franklin, who exposed herself to dangerous levels of radiation to ge...