leadership propulsion

hi guys, today i ran across some leadership photo and i found this photo that make me stunned for awhile:

this quote actually give a huge impact to me as a future leader. "good leadership isnt about advancing yourself. it's about advancing your team." based on the word itself, it such a strong statement to describe what it leadership is all about. to be a good leader, we must not to be selfish, or i can say that your team first then you. advancing team is not about make yourself proud as a leader, but to make your team proud to have each other.

then i ran across another quotes which is so strong to be implant into ourself;

this is the proven that the leadership is a talent and built in characteristic to a person. is not that all person can be a good leadership. if a person is a sheep, it has to be a sheep, it cannot be a lion. so what is " an army of sheep led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by a sheep" is that the shep itself show the weakness, it doesnt matter if the team is fll of lion which is strong, good teamwork or brave or whatsoever, but if they are leaded by a sheep, a coward, weak, unindependent and bad leadership, the team is nothing by comparing the sheeps lead by a lion. no matter how weak our team, if the leader is as good as a lion, the team will become a good team.

jack welch said that, before become a leader, success is all about growing yourself, when you become a leader, its all about growing others. this quote is meaningful, so what i get here is, when you become follower, all the success you achieve is all about you, its not about the other, the success is for you because your not the leader, you are following the leader. but once you become the leader, selfishness must be taken away, is the time you need to think about the other, the follower you have, the people behind you which always seeking for your guidance. now the leader must grow the team, not the boss itself. 

so the last quote i would like to review is from warren g.bennis, this quote have a pretty message about leaders job. what i understand, the leader must be capable to realize what team have come for. for example, the team plan and the leader view the plan, so the leader must capable realizing the vision the team is made. thats how the leader should be.

so this 4 example give me a huge self meditation and covers me up large positive energy i can propells myself towards a good leader. thank you.


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