People That Changed The World

Here is a list of people, that solely due to their sheer willpower, hard work and leadership qualities that help mankind develop over time...

Tim Berners-Lee
The World Wide Web
Tim Berners-Lee kick-started the World Wide Web in 1989, designing and building the first Web browser, editor and server. The widely adopted technologies transformed the way information is created and consumed.

Francis Crick, James Watson and Rosalind Franklin

Structure of DNA

English-born Francis Crick and his American colleague James Watson made one of the most dazzling discoveries in the history of science in 1953 when they accurately decoded the structure of the DNA molecule. They would not, however, have been able to identify the twisted ladder shape of the DNA double helix without the help of English scientist Rosalind Franklin’s X-ray images, which Watson saw without her knowledge. Franklin, who exposed herself to dangerous levels of radiation to get her X-ray images, died of cancer in 1958 at the age of 37. And so it was her colleague, Maurice Wilkins, who shared the 1962 Nobel Prize for medicine with Watson and Crick.


Mikhail Gorbachev

Ending communism

After becoming premier of the Soviet Union in 1985, Gorbachev championed “Glasnost” (openness) and “Perestroika” (reform), which heralded the beginning of the end of communism and the Cold War. But his first attempt at radical reform as premier was an utter failure: he tried to stamp out alcoholism.

Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce

The microchip

Kilby and Noyce independently invented the single integrated circuit in 1959, clearing one of the greatest obstacles to faster and more powerful computers. The microchip heralded a revolution in technological miniaturization. Though Kilby got there first and won the Nobel Prize, it was Noyce’s silicon-based chips that caught on. Noyce co-founded Intel in 1968, and it is today the world’s largest manufacturer of semiconductors. That same year, Kilby built the world’s first personal calculator.

Paul Lauterbur and Peter Mansfield
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Lauterbur and Mansfield won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 2003 for the invention of magnetic resonance imaging. MRI enable ssurgeons to see inside the body’s soft organs without conducting invasive surgery or subjecting the patient to X-rays.

George Lucas
Star Wars
Filmmaker George Lucas founded Industrial Light and Magic in 1975 to bring his vision of Star Warsto life. ILM went on to revolutionize special effects in the movies, pioneering motion control camera techniques and spearheading the computer-generated imaging revolution in the 1980s. Perhaps more important, Lucas’ original trilogy of movies redefined the economics of the movie industry.

Malcolm McLean
The shipping container
Shipping entrepreneur McLean had a great idea: It would be much more efficient if dock cranes were able to pick up the entire trailer part of a truck and place it onto a ship, rather than continue with the hugely expensive and time-consuming method of loading (and unloading) a ship crate by crate. His invention, the standardized shipping container, transformed the global economy.

Gregory Pincus, M.C. Chang, and John Rock
The birth control pill

In 1953 Pincus and his colleague Min-Chueh Chang proved that hormones could prevent ovulation in animals. Similar work was being undertaken by Dr. John Rock at Harvard, and he and Pincus joined efforts to conduct human trials in 1956. In 1960, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Enovid, the first contraceptive pill.


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